
Welcome to Sagemaiden


The goal of this site is a collaboration between you, and I, with the intention of collecting knowledge all in one place. Gradually I will expand the dictionary of definitions of herbs, vitamins and alternative health related vocabulary as a free resource. I have gone into detail of one healing protocol, the iodine protocol that has helped to cure me of chronic fatigue.  Through research and with others writing in to this site, I am hoping to collect many healing protocols here so that we can learn from one another, and so that finding the answers hopefully comes a little bit easier. Together we will expand the patient recommended practitioners list from a local one to a global one. That list will include MD’s as well as alternative practitioners, as I strongly believe that everyone has something valuable to contribute. The main goal being  to connect people with healing protocols, herbs, supplements and practitioners in order to assist them on their healing journey. And the last goal of this site is to connect patients with patients, to find common ground with others, create support systems and learn from others mistakes and successes. Together we will build a natural health network of wisdom here at Sagemaiden.net.

Thank you for your contributions.

Please email me for publication at ali@unarmed-observation.flywheelstaging.com.

In Health,
Alison Trotta-Marshall
